Project Cancelled

Hello everybody. Yellow Chocobo here. So, I come here to inform you about the cancellation of the project, and explain my reasons for this.

To begin with, I should state that this project started with an idea to apply my ideas and thoughts in a more artistic and less chaotic way. Which I did very hastily and ended up releasing The first build after just a few days of production. I did my best to make something original and entertaining for people, just like the countless creators I follow here on the platform. That's why it was released without sprites, because I can't draw and I don't have the money or contacts to hire an artist, this was a one-man job.

 Another thing and that I was not very satisfied with the result, on the launch day I found it satisfactory but later I noticed things that could be improved. And as usual, I felt like starting all over again. 

I'm someone who has read dozens of vns available on, so I did my best to avoid getting too inspired by other projects. My goal was to make something I could call mine, say that's a creation of mine... Turns out I was drawing inspiration from something I hadn't even read yet. A few days ago, I started reading "Where the Demon Lurks" a project that was on my list to read later. I swear I never read. For some reason, my project was too similar to the WTDL, even though I had never read it before.This is the main reason for canceling my project.

In short: I didn't like how the project is developing, how it's not as original as I would like it to be, how it could be better.With the launch of the project, I was really excited to see that almost 2000 people viewed it, and a few hundred people downloaded it. I even got a few dozen followers. Something I really hadn't anticipated.So I want to say a big thank you to everyone reading this, who read my project even if it was out of pity. Maybe someday I'll re-release a story. But until then I have a lot to work on.

Anyway, thank you very much everyone. Have a good life. α••( ᐛ )α•—              

Get Lost in Shadows (cancelled)


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Allow me to offer some words of encouragement, just like how there are no more unexplored lands left on earth there are no more untold stories due to the many millennia of the written word.
All stories can be divided into three groups Man vs Man, Man vs Nature, Man vs Myth.

There is no shame in your story being similar to someone else's so long as it came from your heart, do not be ashamed to tell your story just because others exist.

After all, would you refuse to go see the grand canyon for yourself just because someone else has already seen it?

Aww, thanks for your kind words. I'm very happy to receive feedback like this. I will work well on my stories to compensate for your empathy. Thanks.


Feels sorry to hear that, I hope this would be reconsidered and relaunched though since I have familiar experience.
I announced to cancel mine for two times for extremely similar reasons, I feel you


Thank you very much for your words. I plan to release my story someday, I'm working towards it. I started to study drawing and writing even after I got "old". So I hope I can reach my expectations soon. (‒̀ᴗ‒́)و